Counselor » AES Counseling Program

AES Counseling Program

How can parents get involved in the counseling program?  Parents are welcome to team up with the counselor to provide feedback, mentor students, help with volunteer and service projects and evaluate curriculum.  As a parent myself, I feel it is very important to be transparent and listen to the concerns of parents.  I would love for you to partner with me to help serve our students' needs.  

What if a student needs to see the counselor? Parents, students and teachers/staff may refer a student for a visit with Mrs. Jernigan as needed. Referrals can be made in person, phone, email or by filling out a form on the counseling website. I will see students at the first available opportunity. Parent/guardian permission will have to be obtained before a student can see me on a regular basis including lunch bunch and groups.  If a student is in need of on-going therapy, they are referred to outside resources.

What is the counselor responsible for? The personal, academic, social and career awareness and growth of students is my first and foremost responsibility. There are many factors that may inhibit a student's growth in these areas and my job is to help overcome these barriers. Our school provides weekly Backpack Snacks for kids in need (referred by teachers, parents or other staff) and other opportunities for students such as summer camp scholarships, help with Christmas or Thanksgiving meals, and connecting parents with services such as Mission Granbury and the Child Advocacy Center. I coordinate gifted/talented screening as well as TELPAS testing in the spring.

What are groups and lunch bunch? Groups last approximately 6 weeks and vary by age and topic. This year we will have a approximately 2-3 groups this year depending on the needs of our students. If you feel like your child would benefit from a small group for self-esteem, regulating strong emotions or building social skills please contact me to see about this opportunity.  Lunch Bunch is for all ages and students can be referred for different reasons. Students will be asked if they want to attend Lunch Bunch on their day which is held in Mrs. Jernigan's office or outside on the front porch.!

Red Ribbon Week: We will celebrate making healthy lifestyle choices by sporting our red ribbons, participating in fun school-wide activities and spotlighting healthy habits.  

What do students do when they come see the counselor? Well, it depends. A school counselor is not a therapist. Students are seen for short increments and sessions are solution-focused, which means we are talking through problems and possible ways the student can cope or deal with his/her feelings. Some things I have done with past students include: making journals or memory books to help with grief/loss, bibliotherapy (reading and discussing books which might include a character dealing with a similar situation), acting out with puppets and role-play, art (including kinetic sand, markers, paints), sensory bottles and "calming down" activities and listening to music. If a student needs to be seen by a Licensed Professional Counselor, I refer parents to outside resources.

Anything else? Your class may need help with another topic or subject not included in guidance lessons. I am happy to schedule classroom circles, lessons and visits as needed. Just email me and we will schedule something! I love to work with teachers, so please stop by and visit me!

Thanks! Jill Jernigan

[email protected]